Pet Obesity Awareness

According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, about 60% of cats and dogs in the US are overweight or obese, with only 39% of dog owners and 45% of cat owners considering their pet to be in either of those categories.

We know that body weight plays a huge role in the overall health of our pets. Increased body weight leads to decreased mobility, painful joints and arthritis, higher risk of

diabetes mellitus, heart disease and many types of cancer, as well as a shortened life span.

To determine your pet’s body condition, here at Rainier West Veterinary Hospital, Dr. Doyle uses Body Condition Scoring with a 1 to 9 scale. An example of this can be found on our website by clicking the Pet Health tab at the top of the screen.

Many factors contribute to the weight of your pet including the type of diet, composition of the diet, meal feeding versus free feeding, additional calories from treats, and the amount of exercise your pet is getting. Some metabolic diseases such as hypothyroidism and hyperadrenocorticism tend to increase a pet’s weight and body composition.

Dr. Doyle starts with a thorough history, comprehensive physical exam including body condition scoring, as well as lab work and other diagnostics to determine the best treatment plan for each individual patient. A plan for follow-up weight checks and laboratory testing for certain chronic conditions and to monitor your pet’s progress is established at each visit.

To get your pet on the path to wellness, please call Rainier West Veterinary Hospital today and we can schedule your next visit.