Dermatology: Common Pet Skin Problems

Dermatology: Common Pet Skin Problems

Dr. Doyle and our team at Rainier West Veterinary Hospital are committed to providing pets in Lacey, WA, and the surrounding communities with comprehensive dermatology services to keep their skin healthy and free of disease. From allergies to external parasites, wounds, or hot spots, we’re here to provide your furry companion with the highest level of care and service. 

What Are Signs of Skin Problems? 

Signs of skin problems in cats and dogs may include frequent scratching, biting at their skin, excessive licking, redness, hair loss, flaky skin, texture changes, scabs, and lumps. If you notice any other changes in your pet’s skin or overall demeanor, make sure to contact Rainier West Veterinary Hospital to schedule a consultation. 

What Are Common Pet Skin Problems? 

The following are some common pet skin problems: 

Allergies: Food and environmental allergies are one of the most common skin problems in pets. Your furry companion may scratch, lick excessively, or chew on certain areas of the body. Allergies can leave your pet with bald patches, crusty sores, or a skin rash. Dr. Doyle will evaluate your pet’s unique needs and create a custom treatment plan for lasting relief. 

External Parasites: External parasites, like fleas, ticks, or mites on the skin or in the ears, are a nuisance for both pets and their owners. They can cause significant discomfort and, in some cases, may carry serious diseases. Dr. Doyle will create a parasite treatment plan to help rid your pet of these unwelcome guests. She will also discuss preventive measures moving forward, such as drops or chews to keep fleas, ticks, and mites at bay. 

Hot Spots: Hot spots, or acute moist dermatitis, are localized skin lesions that are red, moist, inflamed, and often warm to the touch. The painful sores can develop anywhere but are usually found on the neck and thighs in cats and the head, legs, and tail in dogs. Dr. Doyle will create a personalized treatment plan to reduce the inflammation and control the bacteria. Treatment options may include antibiotics, topical creams, steroids, or anti-itch medications, depending on your pet’s unique needs. 

Bacterial Skin Infections: Bacteria are always present on your pet’s skin and are usually harmless. However, damage to your pet’s skin barrier can lead to infection. Bacterial infections typically cause red, circular patches on the skin that sometimes have unpleasant odors. Dr. Doyle may recommend antibiotics or topical products like medicated shampoo, conditioners, sprays, or ointments. 

Yeast Dermatitis: Yeast infections can leave your pet with an itchy, greasy coat and sour odor. Dr. Doyle may prescribe oral and topical antifungal medication, and, in some cases, she may recommend shampoos for long-term maintenance.

Ringworm: Ringworm is a condition caused by a fungal infection, not a worm. It can cause hair loss, skin lesions, and itching. Ringworm can pass from your pets to their owners, so it’s important to seek treatment right away. Dr. Doyle will prescribe antifungal medications to clear the skin condition. 

Wounds: Pet wounds can range from minor injuries to deep lacerations. Dr. Doyle will clean and disinfect the area and repair the wound while ensuring your furry friend is comfortable during treatment. Make sure to have any pet injury evaluated to prevent infection or other complications. 

Veterinary Dermatology Near Me in Lacey, WA

At Rainier West Veterinary Hospital, we are committed to caring for your pet’s largest organ: the skin. If you notice any changes or have any concerns, make sure to bring your furry friend in for an evaluation. Dr. Doyle and her team will ensure your furry companion is cared for at the highest level. We invite you to contact our office at (360) 339-8262 to schedule your pet’s appointment or request one online today!